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Global Glow returns to provide Healthy GLOW, a 13-week program that gives girls a safe space and trusted, knowledgeable mentors to explore, discuss and learn more about their physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. Healthy GLOW supports girls in building their self advocacy skills, wellbeing, and academic and community engagement.
Join Healthy G.L.O.W
Through our partnership with Global G.L.O.W, GMG brings to you the GLOW Club workshop program, a free 8-week in person program that begins in October. G.L.O.W Club gives girls a safe space with trusted, knowledgeable mentors to develop self-advocacy skills, discuss and learn more about their physical, mental, and social health. GLOW supports girls in building their wellbeing, as well as academic and community engagement.
G.L.O.W Club
More information coming soon